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Diagnostic criteria for syndrome

Are you affected by restless legs syndrome and need Spider Vein Removal Houston? Then take the test. If you answer yes to the four questions below, you may actually have Restless Legs Syndrome.


Unstoppable need to move limbs associated with or caused by "uncomfortable" sensations in the lower limbs

  1. Motor impatiens or uncomfortable sensations only present or aggravated by rest, particularly in the lying or sitting position

  2. Symptoms improved partially or completely and temporarily by movement

  3. Appearance or worsening of symptoms in the evening or at night

If there is any doubt, the doctor can look for additional criteria to confirm or refute the diagnosis:

  • Presence of Periodic Movements of lower limbs during sleep or waking (example of a patient in the video below)

  • Family History of RLS (or Ekbom Disease - MWE)

  • Positive response to dopaminergic treatments

Finally the doctor can refine his diagnosis by checking:

  • Evolution of the disease: usually in a chronic mode with sometimes spontaneous remission phases

  • Sleep disturbance

  • Normal neurological examination in the idiopathic form

  • Some biological examinations can be requested for possible predisposing factors such as iron deficiency.

  • Clinical examination is necessary to eliminate other medical conditions that may affect the lower extremities and cause similar symptoms:

  • neurological conditions (peripheral neuropathies) - muscular disorders

  • vascular diseases (arterial diseases) - rheumatic diseases

An electromyography examination for Best Treatment For Spider Vein performed by specialist neurologists may be required in some cases to eliminate peripheral nerve damage.

Finally, depending on the case, a more specific examination is often performed: this is the video-polysomnographic recording of sleep, performed in specialized centers for the management of sleep pathologies. This examination confirms and objectifies, among other things, nocturnal motor hyperactivity, periodic limb movements and sleep disturbances.

These criteria are based on the patient's own description of RLS symptoms, and are therefore purely subjective and defined as follow

In the idiopathic form, neurological status is usually normal. The age of onset is very variable, ranging from childhood to the elderly, the evolution is usually slowly progressive with significant fluctuations, temporary remissions are frequent, may last several months, and this regardless of drug treatment.

Familial aggregation of restless legs syndrome has been noted on many occasions, suggesting genetic susceptibility, as well as good agreement in homozygous twins. It should nevertheless be noted that, in the latter case, it can also be a great appearance age difference between the two twins, suggesting either a polygenic effect, a significant environmental influence. A susceptibility locus has been identified on the small arm of chromosome.

Spider Veins during Pregnancy

If spider veins occur during Pregnancy then Best Treatment For Spider Vein is must on time so that it will not become the major issue. In such condition one can also prefer Laser Treatment For Spider Veins as it has no side effect on the health and completely safe in case of  Pregnancy.

Article Source : http://veintreatmenttexas.over-blog.com/2019/06/diagnostic-criteria-for-syndrome.html


Complete guide about Sclerotherapy

It is the most common treatment for small and medium-sized varicose veins and spider veins. The technique involves injecting a sclerosing product into varicose veins during various sessions. Sclerotherapy of varicose veins involves injecting a substance that will induce retraction and hardening of the diseased vein, which will become clogged ("sclerosing"). Sclerotherapy is considered as the most used technique for the treatment of Varicose veins.




Sclerotherapy of varicose veins: the precautions to take


Venous insufficiency can cause varicosities or varicose veins. Varicose Veins Sclerotherapy is the most used treatment. Practiced outpatient, this technique consists of injecting into the varix a sclerosing substance (liquid or foam form). This substance will then cause a retraction and hardening of the sick vein that will clog (scleroser).


Sclerotherapy of varicose veins: what to do before the session?


After a first consultation with a phlebologist , sclerotherapy can be proposed to destroy varicose veins or small varicose veins. After a venous assessment and a functional exploration of the veins, the doctor can also propose a drug treatment. Often prescribed at the first consultation, veinotonics are essential in the long term to strengthen the tone of vein walls.


Sclerotherapy is contraindicated in case of:


  • Pregnancy and breast feeding.

  • Thromboembolic risk.

  • Allergy known to sclerosant.

  • Prolonged immobility and bed rest.

  • Acute deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism.

  • Local infection in the area of ​​sclerotherapy or severe generalized infection.

  • Skin condition:any dermatological problem should be treated before the session of sclerotherapy.Aside from these contraindications, there is no food or medication precaution to be taken specifically before a sclerotherapy session.


 Sclerotherapy of varicose veins: and after the session?


From 15 minutes for varicose veins to one hour for varicose veins, the sclerotherapy session is done in an outpatient setting. It is therefore quite possible to make an appointment during his lunch break and return to work or his activities that afternoon. Contrary to popular belief, heat is not a contraindication, but do not expose yourself to the sun for a few days. Normally, sclerotherapy does not leave traces, but sometimes there is a slight colour of the skin. The sun is then deprecated for several months until the pigmentation disappears.


There are still small hematomas due to the penetration of the needle, but these disappear after 15 days. The practice of sports rebounds, tennis or handball, for example, is also not recommended for 15 days. Therefore, prefer less "traumatic" sports, such as swimming, walking or cycling, which increase venous return.


Finally, for the treatment of large varicose veins, the wearing of an elastic compression type sock, sticky or low, is mandatory for a fortnight after the session. Often, several injections are necessary to completely treat the diseased veins which materialize by varicose veins. The number of sessions and the time between them (about 15 days) are assessed according to the number and condition of varicose veins to be treated.


You can search for the Vascular Specialist Near Me on Google.


If you want proper treatment  of varicose veins, then search out the Best Vein Specialist In Houston.


Article Source : http://veintreatmenttexas.over-blog.com/2019/07/complete-guide-about-sclerotherapy.html


Choose the Perfect treatment for vein treatment!

Veins are usually defined as the blood vessels that are mainly accountable for carrying the deoxygenated blood from body to the heart and to the lungs. On the other hand, when the veins become thick with various kind of the turns as well as twists they may get enlarged and they are usually referred as the varicose or much commonly as the Spider Veins. This is mainly the "nervures" which are located in thighs as well as legs which get varicosed. This is when you need to look for the Vein Treatment Center Near Me. Surgery is even a perfect kind of the option but there are mainly three procedures which seem to stand out from the effectiveness thereby making them much better above the surgery for varicose as well as the spider veins.




Below mentioned are five best Venous Insufficiency Treatment Houston for spider vein:


-        Sclerotherapy


It is most common kind of the treatment during that has a salt solution that gets injected in the affected vein. It also makes vein walls to get swell, then it also get stick and finally the seal shut. When there is not much of the blood flowing in these veins they may get the scar tissue as well as slowly fade away in just some of the weeks. Many times you will also need to get treated by the Top Vein Specialists Houston more than to attain much successful kind of the removal. But as it is not always the painful process it never require anesthesia as well as it may also be carried out by the Best Vein Specailist Near Me at their office.


-        Treatment for Laser leg vein


It is considered to be latest as well as most updated methods to treat the condition. During the most strong treatment for the bursts of the laser light that are also passed through vein that usually make it to disappear. As, lasers are usually known to be much direct as well as accurate it help to removes the veins quickly as well as much more effectively. On the other hand, patients have also been known to always feel some painful kind of the heat sensation that doctors usually tend to reduce through using different methods of the cooling. That is also being said that the laser surgery is not actually much advisable for the purpose of veins which is larger than about 3mm.


  • Methods of Endovenous

    Such kind of the method usually combines with the radio frequency as well as laser technology that could also effectively treat the spider veins. The micro sized helps to catheter the first most placed in the affected vein. Moreover, device also sends the laser energy that shrinks as well as finally seals wall of the vein.


  • Surgery

    The Surgery is mainly used to remove the large spider veins. The doctor will help to surgically seal the shut the vein as well as remove them from leg. On the other hand, doctors will also be able to helps as well as remove veins that are also much located near surface of skin, ones that are also accountability for collecting the blood from skin.


Article Source : http://veintreatmenttexas.over-blog.com/2019/06/choose-the-perfect-treatment-for-vein-treatment.html  

Medical process For Treating Varicose Vein

When you suffer from varicose veins, being treated should be on top of the list. Also, the Vein diseases not just helps to create any kind of the hideous abnormalities in physical appearance of your skin but at the same time it even become much of the burden to individual who is suffering from this problem and may also lead to health problems that also includes heart if not proper Vein Treatment Near Me is done. Now, you may also be able to avoid being the traditional surgery of vein stripping because of various advanced process related to the Vein Treatment Clinic Near Me for varicose vein.




You will also be able to find that the Top Vein Doctors Near Me, still searching them necessary to employ the much traditional vein surgery as the method that is meant for the treatment of the varicose vein. For treating more severe kind of the vein disease, process such as surgical ligation as well as stripping which takes away varicose veins through sealing it shut as well as removing it completely from surface of skin are mainly used. As these veins just collect blood from skin and their circulation inside your body does not get affected in any such way.


Another option for Best Vein Treatment Houston is Ambulatory phlebectomy, as this process is meant for much more severe vein disease, it also surgically removes the large veins from skin from pulling through the surgical hooks. It usually needs the local anesthesia for the outpatient atmosphere, wherein patient may simply return to the normal set of activity a day when this procedure is completed. Moreover, Vein Specialist Near Me also takes care of the Endoscopic vein surgery which is yet other invasive treatment of  the varicose vein where the small incisions are made above swollen veins as well as small video cameras gets inserted to check the inside of veins that are finally taken off from your skin.


Moreover, for less severe kinds of the vein diseases, you may also get the state-of-the-art and spider vein treatment that is available in the Long Beach where various top vein doctors at Houston Vein Clinic are situated. They are the renowned physicians that provide the much advanced options of treatment and that also make proper use of the random incisions for taking away the problems of bulging or it may also be of special and exclusive solutions that are injected to shrink off veins. At the same time, you may also find much advanced technology such as the laser therapy as well as different methods of radio frequency. The procedures of cutting edge present specific complications which the doctors as well as patient need to discuss prior to undergoing anything. Also, the medical history of patient must even be addressed perfectly to be able to consider various set of underlying conditions which might also affect the result of treatment. The more as well as highly advanced methods of the non-invasive technology in the meantime, create the scar which can also last for weeks as well as for months prior to finally disappearing.


Article Source : https://veintreatmenthouston.home.blog/2019/06/25/medical-process-for-treating-varicose-vein/

Primary Restless Leg Syndrome and its solution

Restless legs syndrome is a relatively common condition affecting 5 to 10% of the population. A guided history of looking for the four cardinal signs can often be unmasked, but, predominantly in the evening and at night, Primary Restless Leg Syndrome can easily remain undiagnosed if not actively sought. Of unknown etiology and mechanism, it can be favored by several neurological, endocrinological, rheumatologic, metabolic, toxic or medicinal conditions that deserve to be corrected.






Although detailed in its current description by the Swedish neurologist Karl Ekbom in the 1940s, 1,2 restless legs syndrome is a relatively common situation affecting 5 to 10% of the population. 3.4Although prevalence increases with age, symptomatology may appear in childhood where some association with hyperactive children has been described. This mainly evening or nocturnal symptomatology can escape the clinician during the hours of consultations. General and family physicians are certainly best placed to detect, diagnose and manage most patients with this syndrome. This work, which is primarily intended for them, tends to make a current review of this syndrome in its various clinical and practical aspects.




Secondary Restless Leg Syndrome is present in 80% of polysomnographies of patients with restless legs syndrome. These periodic movements predominate during sleep and, by definition, take the form of puffs of at least four movements lasting from 1/2 to 5 seconds and appearing every 5 to 90 seconds. Typically, these are movements of flexion of the leg, dorsiflexion of the ankle and extension of the big toe. Other movements involving either the trunk or the upper limbs may appear. Nevertheless, these periodic movements predominate in the lower limbs and are generally observable mainly during sleep.


Far from being pathognomonic of restless legs syndrome, these periodic movements can appear in the normal subject, especially the elderly. These periodic movements of sleep must be differentiated from the movements occurring during sleep apnea syndrome. In that case, movements usually appear when breathing resumes. During the day before, they appear only during the rest, their periodicity is less obvious, and they can sometimes trigger or be incorporated into voluntary movements which give them a prolonged appearance. Although rare, these periodic movements of the day before are often the only clinical manifestation observable in these patients whose symptomatology, evening or nocturnal, escapes the examination in office. Restless Leg Syndrome Diagnosis Near appears only during rest, their periodicity is less obvious, and they can sometimes trigger or be incorporated into voluntary movements which give them a prolonged appearance. Although rare, these periodic movements of the day before are often the only clinical manifestation observable in these patients whose symptomatology, evening or nocturnal, escapes the examination in office. They appear only during rest, their periodicity is less obvious, and they can sometimes trigger or be incorporated into voluntary movements which give them a prolonged appearance. Although rare, these periodic movements of the day before are often the only clinical manifestation observable in these patients whose symptomatology, evening or nocturnal, escapes the examination in office.


Sleep disorders can also accompany restless legs syndrome. These are primarily difficulties in initiating sleep, rarely accompanied by daytime fatigue, unlike other sleep disorders where this complaint is in the foreground. Nevertheless, the introduction of the treatment of this syndrome, including dopaminergic agonists, can cause such drowsiness.


Article Source : https://veintreatmenthouston.home.blog/2019/06/25/primary-restless-leg-syndrome-and-its-solution/


Diagnosis and treatment of restless legs syndrome

A medical consultation is often enough to diagnose restless leg syndrome (impatience). Sometimes additional exams are needed. The Best Treatment For Spider Veins On Legs is based on simple actions and a healthy lifestyle. Medications can help treat the symptoms and / or their cause.




Restless legs syndrome (impatience): the medical consultation


The doctor asks you first about your symptoms (intensity, circumstances of occurrence, frequency, evolution, etc.) He also asks you if these signs affect your sleep, your daytime vigilance (episodes of falling asleep during the day ) and your mood ( fatigue, depressive episodes).


Then, the practitioner asks you about:


  • Possible cases of restless legs syndrome in your family;
  • Your personal medical history (e.g. diabetes, chronic kidney failure)
  • The treatments you are taking (certain medications prescribed or taken as self-medication may trigger or aggravate symptoms).

Finally, the doctor examines you.


In general, this first consultation is sufficient to confirm the diagnosis of restless legs syndrome. However, your practitioner may also prescribe:


  • A blood test to check your blood iron levels;
  • A sleep recording, to better understand the effects of  restless legs syndrome on your nights;
  • A consultation with a neurologist (specialist in diseases of the nervous system) or a specialist in sleep disorders. These can indeed provide a medical care better suited to your case, if necessary.

Once the diagnosis is made, your doctor informs you about the disease and Laser Treatment for Spider Veins on Legs, its fluctuating nature with periods of lull and possible aggravation that may require therapeutic adaptations.


Restless legs syndrome (impatience): what treatment?


In order to choose the best Spider Vein Treatment Options, the doctor measures the intensity of your restless legs syndrome.


It uses for this a precise evaluation scale (so-called "light", "moderate", "severe" and "very severe" forms), based on:


  • The nature of your symptoms;
  • Their impact on your mood and on your social, family and professional life.

A healthy lifestyle and in some cases, a drug treatment, can reduce the signs of the syndrome.


In light forms, simple actions and the adoption of a healthy lifestyle are generally sufficient to reduce impatience. These hygiene measures are, however, indispensable in the more serious forms of the disease.


In severe forms, which cause significant disruption of sleep or impact on the quality of life and if the measures taken in daily life prove to be insufficient, your doctor may prescribe a drug of the family of dopamine agonists. These products compensate for the lack of dopamine (a substance that allows the transmission of information in the nervous system), which promotes the appearance of restless legs syndrome.


How to Remove Spider Veins:


  • In case of intermittent manifestations, treatment is taken during episodes of restless legs syndrome. It can also be indicated as a preventative.
  • If the symptoms are regular and frequent, the drug intake is continuous.

Side effects are possible: nausea, vomiting, low blood pressure, daytime sleepiness , hallucinations and rarely behavioral disorders. To avoid them, dopaminergic drugs are prescribed in moderate doses, gradually increased.


This treatment is only symptomatic. Indeed, there is still no drug for the cure of restless legs syndrome.


These drugs are not reimbursed by the Health Insurance as part of this disease.


Article Source : https://veintreatmenttexas.blogspot.com/2019/06/diagnosis-and-treatment-of-restless.html